Omnibus study -it is joint study where different questionnaires are completed by different clients. The sample size of the monthly Omnibus survey exceeds 1000 respondents and the selection is random probability sampling. The survey is organised in such a way that the results are representative of the views of the national population. The duration of the survey is approximately 4 weeks from the start of the survey. Customers are provided with individual reports containing only their own questions, thus guaranteeing the confidentiality of the data of interest to each customer.
This is a monthly survey of over 1000 respondents, aged 18-75. Omnibus Lithuania covers the whole territory of the country. Moreover, the distribution of the respondents corresponds with the true structure of residents of Lithuania according to their gender, age, nationality, education, and place of living. Thus, the research results represent residents' opinion and attitudes. Also, we offer Omnibus research in Latvia and Estonia. The error of the research results is 3%.
A quarterly survey of at least 1000 people across Lithuania with an income of at least 1000 Eur per household member. The study uses the same combined Online (CAWI) and telephone (CATI) survey methods.